Go Green!

        Litter here. Litter there. That is what we would commonly observe nowadays. With this ever alarming and growing issue about improper garbage disposal in our community, we, the citizens should start make a change. Let us be the change the world want to see.

       Improper Garbage Disposal is one of the common issue in our society. From the word itself it means not throwing waste materials or garbage to its intended area and place. It is not good and beneficial to our environment. We could observe its effects in instances such as heavy floods, disease outbreak and many more. Mother Nature is seeking for our help.

      Let us be responsible citizens. Apply the 3R (Reduse, Reuse and Recycle). Learn to manage our waste. This means segregating it into biodegradable, non-biodegradable and recyclable.Throw our garbage properly.

     Change starts within ourselves. Let us thrive for a cleaner and greener environment.

     Go Green!

Social Change

Community Problem: Improper Garbage Disposal

Vicinity: Ormoc City

Campaign Name: Go Green!

Type of Social Media Used: Blog

Website Used: WordPress

What will be the content of your social media site?

The content would tackle about the issue of improper garbage disposal and  ways on how achieve a cleaner and greener community.

Why did you choose that type of social media?

We chose this type of social media because a lot of the citizens in our community are into reading blogs . In addition, we want to speak to them coherently about the issue of improper garbage disposal .

Why did you choose that website?

         WordPress is our chosen website because it is a free and easy to use blogging site. In addition, it is the most common and popular blogging site to the people of our community.

Insights on Ict

       Information Communication and Technology or  ICT provides a meaningful platform in human interaction and how we engage with each other.  The advent of wireless telecommunication, computers and internet also provide a bridge so we can freely express ourselves in various platform s. But with this ever expanding freedom of expression, comes significant responsibility as well. Issues such as confidentiality, cyber-bullying, tolerance to cultural diversity and even to the loss of “personal human” experience of our every communication must be kept in check. ICT is a progressive tool to assist our evolving needs to connect. But we must not be out of touch. People are more important than technology itself.

      ICT is really fast spreading and fast developing. There are both good and bad things in ICT. The good things is it innovates and makes our lives easier. It somehow provide us comfort. But as they say too much of everything is bad for you. ICT becomes a threat if we abuse its power and influence. Let us not let ICT rule our lives.


Kanlungan by Noel Cabangon


           Kanlungan is a song composed and sang by Noel Cabangon that was released on 2009. This song has various meaning, thoughts and message. Kanlungan is very heartwarming that tickles the tears you have been hiding in your heart. It is a song about reminiscence that gives us the feeling of nostalgia. In addition, it is a bit mysterious and it uses many figures of speech. This song is really implied full of meanings.

         We like this song because for us  this simply tells us that we would meet certain people and be separated with them by some circumstances that is beyond our control. But when we would meet again time surely pass by. It sounds so beautiful. The rhythm and tune is calm. For us this song truly defines OPM. It talks not only to the mind but also to the soul. Noel Cabangon is truly a legitimate and talented artist and musician. He sings his heart out. He is a natural.

       Chances are passing. Opportunity is fleeting. Opportunity only comes once and a while.

Ten Uncommonly Used Filipino Words

1. Sulatroniko

English Translation: E-mail

Definition: A system for sending messages from one computer to another computer.

Example: ” Pwede bang i-send mo na lang sa SULATRONIKO ko ang iyong mga sagot?”

2. Pang-ulong hatinig

English Translation:  Headset

Definition: A device that holds an earphone and a microphone in place on a person’s head. (Source: Merriam-Webster)

Example: “Meron akong bagong PANG-ULONG HATINIG na bigay ni kuya.”

3. Pantablay

English Translation: Charger

Definition: A device for charging storage batteries.(Source: Merriam-Webster)

Example: “Maari ko bang mahiram ang iyong PANTABLAY, wala na kasi akong baterya?”

4. Bilnuran

English Translation: Arithmetic

Definition: A branch of mathematics that deals usually with the non-negative real numbers including sometimes the transfinite cardinals and with the application of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to them.(Source: Merriam-Webster)

Example: “Mayroon akong kaklaseng magaling sa BILNURAN.”

5. Anluwage

English Translation: Carpenter

Definition: A person whose jobs is to make or fix wooden objects or wooden parts of buildings.(Source: Merriam-Webster)

Example: “Napakagaling ng aming napiling ANLUWAGE.”

6. Asoge

English Translation: Mercury

Definition: A silver metal that is liquid at normal temperatures.(Source: Merriam-Webster)

Example: Mag-ingat ka, masama ang ASOGE para sa ating katawan.”

7. Duyog

English Translation: Eclipse

Definition: An occasion when the sun looks like it is completely or partially covered with a dark circle because the moon is between the sun and the Earth.(Source: Merriam-Webster)

Example: “Mayroong DUYOG kagabi.”

8. Miktinig

English Translation: Microphone

Definition: An instrument whereby sound waves are caused to generate or modulate an electric current usually for the purpose of transmitting or recording sound (as speech or music).(Source: Merriam-Webster)

Example: “Pahiram nga ng MIKTINIG, nais kong magsalita.”

9. Panginain

English Translation: Browser

Definition: A computer program that is used to find and look at information on the Internet.(Source: Merriam-Webster)

Example: “Ano ba sa tingin mo ang pinkamabilis na PANGINAIN?”

10. Yakis

English Translation: To sharpen

Definition: To make (something) sharp or sharper.(Source: Merriam-Webster)

Example: “Paki-YAKIS nga ng aking lapis.”

Video for some Filipino unfamiliar words:


How does Social Media help in a Natural Calamity?

          Social Media has changed the means of communication. It is a known fact that it is considered as one of the most influential mediums. But how does social media help in a natural calamity?

          Whether it may be a typhoon, an earthquake, a tsunami or any other natural calamity, victims of calamities turn to and rely on social media to find and contact their loved ones. Organizations, family and relatives used social media to get updates.

          Social Media is now slowly turning out as a life-saving  tool. Through it people get news. Influencing one person to another. In emergency situations, where fleeting seconds could be a matter of life and death, social mediums are proved invaluable.